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Axapta file extensions

Axapta uses quite a number of file extensions for the files that are installed as part of Axapta. Even though at first sight, people will be bewildered with these te(o)ns acronyms/extensions, it follows a very good naming convention and once it’s understood, it is very easy to follow these file names and extensions.

First Letter: owner of file:

A Application
K Kernel

Second Letter: contents of file:
L Label
O Object (as is AOT)
T Text (only TKD)
D Developer Documentation
H Online Help

Third Letter: Type of file.
D Data
I Index
C Cache
T Temporary

So a file with extension .ald is ApplicationLabelData file.

Thanks to Michael Fruergaard Pontoppidan (who came out this table) and Tao Wang (who provided this info to me)

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