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How to access other data in other company accounts in Axapta / Cross Company

First of all we have to understand the concept of Axapta, that one AOS (Application Object Service) of Axapta can have many company accounts, one AOS can be described as one Group of company, and each company accounts in Axapta can be described as sub ordinary of the company group. Just say one group company who implemented Axapta wants to put all their sub ordinary company to one AOS, that mean we have to setup the parameter so that can have more than one company accounts, each company accounts can have their own setup parameters.

There is one feature in Dynamics Ax 2009 which is can access other data in other company accounts through the code or through Data Source object, we called it cross company.
For example cross company in DataSource. Each Form or Report object have DataSource to pull the data into it. We can add Table/Query object as DataSource or we can call them at runtime.
This is the example how to setup the DataSource to enable the cross company feature below :

This is the example how to setup the DataSource through the code. What you see is that we setup the cross company through query variable that pull the data from DataSource :
There is one DataSource "InventTable".
public boolean fetch()
Query qry = new Query();
QueryRun qr;
QueryBuildDataSource queryBuildDataSource;

queryBuildDataSource = qry.addDataSource(tableNum(InventTable));
qr = new queryrun(qry);
qr.allowCrossCompany(true);//true means that the object allowed cross company, false means didn't allowed cross company
while (
This is the example how to pull the data through syntax query :
"Select crosscompany : companyList InventTable;"
InventTable is one of the table in Axapta
companyList is container variable that kept the list of company accounts that allowed to be access.

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