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Set report ranges using code..?

I'm calling report using output menuItem from specified form. what i really want is to set the report Ranges by the caller record from the form so the following is the situation:

1. Output meneItem on the form.

2. On the init() method in the report the following

tableBuffer = element.args().record();

3. The required now is to set the report query (Ranges) by using one of the TableBuff fields.

I see what you are saying. Basically, if you start from a menu item with NO record, you want to basically NOT use what is stored in usage data. At that point, couldn't you do something like this:

public void init()
CustTable ct;

if (element.args().record())


Granted, the range value would hav to make sense based on the field(s) being cleared, but I would think the above would be acceptible. Otherwise, you may want to override the unpack method of the report to not get the usage data if the record in args() is empty as well.
Remember that when a menuitem is used, the currently active record in the datasource is assigned to the record value of Args. So, for example, if the menu item is on a form where CustTable is the datasource, on the called form, you could do the following for the init method of the called form datasource:

public void init()
CustTable ct;

if (element.args().record())


I have not tested this, so it may not be quite correct syntactically, but it should be pretty close to what you are asking.
I see what you are saying. Basically, if you start from a menu item with NO record, you want to basically NOT use what is stored in usage data. At that point, couldn't you do something like this:

public void init()
CustTable ct;

if (element.args().record())


Granted, the range value would hav to make sense based on the field(s) being cleared, but I would think the above would be acceptible. Otherwise, you may want to override the unpack method of the report to not get the usage data if the record in args() is empty as well.

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