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Cleaning up your Virtual companies

Often consultants create virtual companies and forget to trough away the old data. This can become an issue when migration to a newer version of dynamics AX gets involved. For example if the CustTable & VendTable become virtual, have the old data no PartyID number and the unique index on this column can’t be enabled. The easiest way for removing these obsolete records is using sql script. I have added an example. Imagine a table collection with CustTable and VendTable. This table Collection is used in Virtual Company DMOV. Company DMO1 and DMO2 uses this virtual company. In case the records in CustTable and VendTable were not deleted for company DMO1 and DMO2, the next SQL script will help you:

delete FROM [AX2009_SP1_Dev].[dbo].[CustTable] where DATAAREAID in ('DMO1','DMO2')
delete FROM [AX2009_SP1_Dev].[dbo].[VendTable] where DATAAREAID in ('DMO1','DMO2')

But what happens if the customer decides not to use the virtual company any more. You could throw it away but the data is not deleted in the Database (is this a bug?) I have created a general script that throws away the virtual company.

declare @link_table nvarchar(255)
declare @local_table nvarchar(255)
declare @Statement nvarchar(300)
declare table_list cursor for select name from sys.tables
open table_list
fetch next from table_list into @link_table
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
SET @Statement = N'delete from [AX2009_SP1_Dev].[dbo].[' + @link_table + '] where [DATAAREAID] in (''DMOV'',''ETC'')'
print @Statement
execute sp_executesql @Statement
end try
begin catch
print @link_table + ' has no DATAAREAID'
end catch
fetch next from table_list into @link_table
close table_list
deallocate table_list

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