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How to: prompt a dialog box or a modal window

In this post I will review the different types of dialog boxes that can be used within the AX system.

There are many scenarios where you want to prompt a message or dialog box to the user. That could be achieved within the box class in the AOT.
Here are some example of the common ones -

1. Information

Box::info(str _text,str _title);
2. Warning

Box::warning(str _text,str _title);
3. Critical stop

Box::stop(str _text,str _title);
4. "Do not tell me again" check box

Box::infoOnce(str _heading,str _information,str owner);
5. OK / Cancel dialog box

DialogButton diagBut;
diagBut = Box::yesNo(str _text,DialogButton _defaultButton,str _title);
6. Yes to all dialog box

DialogButton diagBut;
diagBut = Box::yesAllNoAllCancel(str _text,DialogButton _defaultButton,str _title);

In the last two examples, the box method will return the name of the selected option button.
Then, you can use the variable diagBut to proceed with your operations:
if (diagBut == dialogbutton::Ok) {
//do something

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