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Using ADO for interfacing AX with an external database

If we need to interface any external database with Dynamics AX, we can achieve this task by using ADO and its AX available classes: CCADOConnection, CCADORecordSet, CCADOFields, CCADOField and CCADOCommand. Here an example:

static void ADOTestJob(Args _args)
CCADOConnection ccConnection;
CCADOCommand ccCommand;
CCADORecordSet ccRecordset;
CCADOFields ccFields;
str st;
str data1;
int data2;

ccConnection = new CCADOConnection();

// Setting the connection string
ccConnection.connectionString(StrFmt('Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=%3;Password=%4;Initial Catalog=%2;Data Source=%1'
, 'servername' // Server's IP or name
, 'database' // Database or catalog
, 'user' // Username
, 'pwd' // Password

// Open the connection;

// Preparing the query
st = "SELECT * FROM mytable";

// Recordset object creation
ccRecordset = new CCADORecordSet();

// Executing the query st, ccConnection );

// Reading data
while (!ccRecordset.EOF())
ccFields = ccRecordset.fields();

// We can access fields either by name or by Index
data1 = ccFields.itemName("FIELD1").value();
data2 = ccFields.itemIdx(1).value();

info(strfmt("Data %1, %2", data1, data2));

// Read next record

// Closing the connection

If we need to execute something (an UPDATE, DELETE, etc.), we can use the CCADOCommand:

void ExecuteSQLExt(str sql)
// Creating the ADO Command object
ccCommand = new CCADOCommand();

// Associate it with an existing opened connection

// Executing the command


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