Sometimes when you are tracking performance (or other) problems, you may want to activate the long running query tracing for all users. Here is a little job that will do that. Beware: you have to activate trace settings on your AOS server, unless most of the queries will not be caught.
static void Set_SQLTrace_AllUsers(Args _args) { #LOCALMACRO.FLAG_SQLTrace (1 << 8) #ENDMACRO #LOCALMACRO.FLAG_TraceInfoQueryTable (1 << 11) #ENDMACRO boolean set; UserInfo userInfo; ; set = true; ttsbegin; while select forupdate userinfo { userinfo.querytimeLimit = 1000; if (set) { userInfo.DebugInfo = userInfo.DebugInfo | #FLAG_SQLTrace; userInfo.TraceInfo = userInfo.TraceInfo | #FLAG_TraceInfoQueryTable; } else { userInfo.DebugInfo = userInfo.DebugInfo ^ #FLAG_SQLTrace; userInfo.TraceInfo = userInfo.TraceInfo ^ #FLAG_TraceInfoQueryTable; } userinfo.update(); } ttscommit; }