So I use the base layer compare tool via Tools>Development tools>Version
update>Compare layers to create a project of the "CUS" layer (normally the
VAR layer for me). This gets all of the objects modified in the CUS layer in
one project. Then I set that in the #layerCompareProject macro, then add my
projects I want to check against in the lower lines of code.
I've used this tool countless times to compare two projects. Another use I had was during an upgrade to Roll Up 7 from Roll Up 1. Somehow I had deleted a modification to an obscure table...this made me worried that I could have accidentally deleted other objects that I would have no idea about. To check this, I went into Live and created a layer compare project of the CUS layer, then went into my upgraded RU7 environment and made the same layer compare project. Then all I had to do was run the job and it output the objects that were missing.
I think it's clever/fun the way I wrote it too using recursion to reflect on the AOT. It's basic recursion for traversal.
How to use:
Create a compare project of the layer you want to check and make it SHARED!
Change the constant "layerCompareProject" to the name of the SHARED layer project
you just created
Modify the first line from the main body of the job to be the projects you're searching
customProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild('Customizations');
traverseAndUpdateMap (customProject.getRunNode().AOTiterator());
Just repeat those two lines to add more will update and search them
static void ProjReflection(Args _args)
ProjectNode layerCompareProject;
ProjectNode customProject;
Map map = new Map(Types::String, Types::Integer);
MapEnumerator enumerator;
void traverseAndBuildMap(TreeNodeIterator _tni)
ProjectNode pn =;
while (pn)
if (!pn.applObjectType())
// Recursively traverse the project
// Fill the map with every object we found
map.insert(pn.treeNodePath(), 0);
pn =;
void traverseAndUpdateMap(TreeNodeIterator _tni) { ProjectNode pn =; ; while (pn) { if (!pn.applObjectType())
// Recrusively traverse the project
if (map.exists(pn.treeNodePath()))
// We found an object in a project that already exists in the map
// ...mark it as found [1]
map.insert(pn.treeNodePath(), 1);
pn =;
layerCompareProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild(#layerCompareProject);
// Modify these lines to search projects
customProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild('Customization');
traverseAndUpdateMap (customProject.getRunNode().AOTiterator());
// Add more lines if you want to search more
customProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild('InstallProj');
traverseAndUpdateMap (customProject.getRunNode().AOTiterator());
customProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild('BoltOn');
traverseAndUpdateMap (customProject.getRunNode().AOTiterator());
enumerator = map.getEnumerator();
info("The following objects from [" + #layerCompareProject + "] were not found in searched projects.");
while (enumerator.moveNext())
if (!enumerator.currentValue())
info(strfmt("%1", enumerator.currentKey()));
I've used this tool countless times to compare two projects. Another use I had was during an upgrade to Roll Up 7 from Roll Up 1. Somehow I had deleted a modification to an obscure table...this made me worried that I could have accidentally deleted other objects that I would have no idea about. To check this, I went into Live and created a layer compare project of the CUS layer, then went into my upgraded RU7 environment and made the same layer compare project. Then all I had to do was run the job and it output the objects that were missing.
I think it's clever/fun the way I wrote it too using recursion to reflect on the AOT. It's basic recursion for traversal.
How to use:
Create a compare project of the layer you want to check and make it SHARED!
Change the constant "layerCompareProject" to the name of the SHARED layer project
you just created
Modify the first line from the main body of the job to be the projects you're searching
customProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild('Customizations');
traverseAndUpdateMap (customProject.getRunNode().AOTiterator());
Just repeat those two lines to add more will update and search them
static void ProjReflection(Args _args)
ProjectNode layerCompareProject;
ProjectNode customProject;
Map map = new Map(Types::String, Types::Integer);
MapEnumerator enumerator;
void traverseAndBuildMap(TreeNodeIterator _tni)
ProjectNode pn =;
while (pn)
if (!pn.applObjectType())
// Recursively traverse the project
// Fill the map with every object we found
map.insert(pn.treeNodePath(), 0);
pn =;
void traverseAndUpdateMap(TreeNodeIterator _tni) { ProjectNode pn =; ; while (pn) { if (!pn.applObjectType())
// Recrusively traverse the project
if (map.exists(pn.treeNodePath()))
// We found an object in a project that already exists in the map
// ...mark it as found [1]
map.insert(pn.treeNodePath(), 1);
pn =;
layerCompareProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild(#layerCompareProject);
// Modify these lines to search projects
customProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild('Customization');
traverseAndUpdateMap (customProject.getRunNode().AOTiterator());
// Add more lines if you want to search more
customProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild('InstallProj');
traverseAndUpdateMap (customProject.getRunNode().AOTiterator());
customProject = infoLog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild('Shared').AOTfindChild('BoltOn');
traverseAndUpdateMap (customProject.getRunNode().AOTiterator());
enumerator = map.getEnumerator();
info("The following objects from [" + #layerCompareProject + "] were not found in searched projects.");
while (enumerator.moveNext())
if (!enumerator.currentValue())
info(strfmt("%1", enumerator.currentKey()));