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How to find the maximum number of logged on users on a given day...

This checks max users for every hour because my original task was to show user count by hour.  You can easily modify this to check every second or whatever if you need a much more detailed number.

static void JobFindMaxUsersLoggedInPerDay(Args _args)
    SysUserLog      sysUserLog;
    utcDateTime     utc = DateTimeUtil::addHours(DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(systemDateGet(), 0), 8);
    int             i;
    int             n;
    int             iUsers;

    utc = DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(systemDateGet(), 0);

    utc = DateTimeUtil::addDays(DateTimeUtil::addHours(utc, 13), -13);
//    utc = DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(utc, DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone());

    for (i=1; i<=90; i++)
        iUsers = 0;
        for (n=1; n<=11; n++)
            // Find the number of users logged in
            select count(recId) from sysUserLog
                where sysUserLog.createdDateTime < DateTimeUtil::addHours(utc, n)      &&
                      sysUserLog.LogoutDateTime  > DateTimeUtil::addHours(utc, n)      &&

            if (!iUsers || sysUserLog.RecId > iUsers)
                iUsers = sysUserLog.RecId;

        info(strfmt("%1, %2", DateTimeUtil::date(utc), iUsers));
        utc = DateTimeUtil::addDays(utc, -1);

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